88. Practices of Vegetable-ful Congregations!

Over the last couple weeks, I’ve heard dozens of stories about small churches focusing on the Five Practices, and about the new ministry initiatives that have resulted.  A few of my favorite come from right here in Missouri. For instance, Marvin McMurry UMC in St. Joseph began to think about outreach possibilities and how to […]

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144. Work Without Boundaries

I noticed a beautifully designed sign at the entrance to a store in the mall that said, “Work Without Boundaries!” The shop sold electronics—smart phones, personal planners, pagers, wireless devices, and an array of gadgets, communications tools, and new inventions that help customers stay connected to their jobs and their peers wherever they may find […]

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176. Computerless

With a tight schedule and lots of traveling to do, last week was not the ideal time for my computer's hard drive to go up in smoke. But there was still a lesson to be learned...

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