11. Would We Know What to Do?

Recently Paul Borden was visiting with our district superintendents and our conference staff, and he made a comment that has stuck with me. He said, ìImagine that you appoint a pastor to a congregation, and as soon as the pastor arrives, all the leading laity come and say, ìPastor, we represent all the laity of […]

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156. Creating Openings for God

Can it be Lent already? As a pastor, I was keenly aware of the movement of the church year—Advent, Lent, Pentecost, etc. Our church planned for special emphases, sermon series, retreats, church-wide studies and readings. As a bishop, I sometimes find myself surprised to realize that a key spiritual season is upon us. Such was […]

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29. What Does a Bishop Do? Reflections on Activity and Achievement

Within the world of United Methodism, many people know about the work and ministry of bishops. Bishops are often treated with great deference, sometimes regaled against, frequently respected, and many times fairly unknown to the members and pastors of a conference. As in chess, many bishops are suspected of moving diagonally to get things done rather […]

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