16. Ten Provocative Questions

Dr. Lovett Weems of the Lewis Center for Church Leadership (and a member of our Missouri Conference!) presented some observations about the State of the Church to the Council of Bishops, and again to the meeting of Extended Cabinets at Lake Junaluska last week.  He entitled his talk, ìTen Provocative Questions,î and I encourage you […]

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48. After Easter

As Iím writing this, Iím preparing for the end of Holy Week and for Easter Sunday.  For more than twenty-five years as I served as pastor, this was one of the busiest, most intense, most rewarding, most emotional, most exhausting, most spiritually challenging, moving, and exhilarating weeks of the year.  Now in my current role, […]

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80. The Fall Stewardship Emphasis and the Five Practices?

Another common question I receive is about using the Focus on the Five Practices: A Congregation-Wide Initiative materials during the lead-up and preparation for the congregation’s fall stewardship emphasis or consecration pledge Sunday. First, numerous churches have already done this by using the original book on the Five Practices and integrating the material into their Consecration […]

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