8. Share Your Stories!

Iíve been covering a lot of ground recently talking about strengthening congregations and the Five Practices.  During the last four weeks, Iíve addressed over 250 clergy in workshops, district pastors meetings, and small group discussions.  In addition, Iíve preached or taught in congregations, associations of local pastors, order of elders retreats, and spoken at workshops […]

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154. A video message from Bishop Schnase regarding the earthquake in Haiti

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27. New Year’s Reading List

What do you give the person who’s hard to buy for?  Evidently, the answer in my case is Books! During the last couple weeks, I’ve been given a number of books, and offered a number of suggestions for books that I just have to read. My “Unread” book-stack is growing faster than the stack of books I’ve […]

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