2. Why Practices?

Ever watch young little league baseball players practice? What do they do? They throw the ball into the grass so that their teammates can practice scooping up “grounders.” They throw the ball around the bases in various permutations, from third to second to first to short stop to pitcher. They practice running the bases, and sliding […]

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34. Myriad Expressions of Ministry

This past Saturday, more than 70 lay ministers gathered from across the state of Missouri at our Conference Center in Columbia (in the 7 degree weather!) for a day of training.  I was asked to teach on the Five Practices, and enjoyed a couple hours of conversation and engagement about local church ministry. What a […]

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66. When You Are Through Changing…

Recently as I sat in a pastor’s office, I noticed a small etched sign he kept on his desk. It read, “When you are through changing…you’re through!” At first I smiled. This short aphorism reminds me of many I’ve seen before. I remember a poster from my high school days that said much the same thing: “He […]

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