5. From Stewardship to Generosity

A few weeks ago, I had the privilege of speaking at the Pre-Institute Workshops at the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, near Kansas City.   Church of the Resurrection, under the leadership of Adam Hamilton, has become one of the largest United Methodist congregations in the world. Itís always amazing to visit […]

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152. The One Who Made Us Came To Us

Incarnation sounds like such a difficult word–ecclesiastical and weighty, academic and esoteric. The word seems far removed from the festivities of Christmas, either in their more secular and commercial expressions or in the carols and pageants of the season. Incarnation derives from the Latin, meaning “to become flesh, to give something a bodily form.” It’s […]

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25. Five Practices in Europe and Eurasia Churches

A District Superintendent from Serbia moved to the microphone and began to tell the story of one of her congregations that was offering exemplary Risk-taking Mission and Service toward alcoholics and their families. We all listened for the voices of our translators through headphones as she told her story. A Scandinavian District Superintendent told about the […]

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